Friday, 17 August 2007

A Fruit Called Exotic Susan. 4ins x 6ins, Oil on board

This is a painting of a strange looking fruit I bought in my local supermarket (a branch of Lidl) where I got the impression, although I now wonder perhaps mistaken, that it was called an "Exotic Susan". However after doing an Internet search and finding no examples of any fruits called "Exotic Susan" and wondering if I had painted and subsequently eaten the Worlds only example of a fruit called Exotic Susan. Well to cut a long story short I eventually identified it as a Persimmon. Actually I think I prefer the title "A fruit called Exotic Susan".

They say Persimmons can be somewhat astringent when they are under-ripe and this often puts people off them for life. However I'm glad to say this persimmon was very nice it was quite soft and kind of felt like a tomato to the touch. This seems to be the best time to eat them from what I have read and own experience :)

Well I'll certainly buy them again, although they do seem to be quite expensive in the UK, well this one was 49p (about 1 USD) and Lidl is a cheap Supermarket, I dare say one would need a mortgage to buy a Persimmon in Sainsburys or M&S.

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