Saturday, 18 August 2007

Cherry Tomatoes. 4ins x 6 ins Oil on Board

This is a painting of a punnet of cherry tomatoes I bought last week and decided to paint. I suppose they are rather large as cherry tomatoes go but they really were this size. I dare say giant cherry tomatoes would kind of defeat the object. Perhaps they need to use a sieve with smaller holes. :)

Actually that reminds me of the old advert for Surprise Peas which I believe may have been the first frozen vegetable introduced into shops in the 50s or 60s. Surprise peas were supposed to be very small, sweet and tender, so larger fatter harder peas were rejected. The TV advert had a character called Cannonball who was a very large pea, much too big and hard to get into the packet of Surprise peas. However he would try various ways and means, needless to say always unsuccessfully, to squeeze into the packets.

Of course in these more PC times I don't suppose they could get away with that sort of parody of discrimination, and I dare say that may have been the reason the advert eventually stopped, although I don't think Surprise Peas exist any more. However it always Struck me as a kid that whilst all the sweet tender little peas that went into every packet of Surprise Peas got cooked and eaten, Cannonball was immortal. So perhaps the true lesson of the Surprise Peas advert is being different may not be such a bad thing after all. :)

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