Saturday, 6 October 2007

Featured Product at Zazzle: Mythical Willow Pattern Card

Well I just had another one of my products awarded with a Todays Best Award on I seem to be making a habbit of this :) Saying that I do have a small folio of designs which I originally did for greetings cards etc so I've been going through that and uploading the best designs.

I also uploaded this car design called VROOM!! Which I suppose is somewhat reminiscent of Roy Lichtenstein. The car design is something I made up I kind of based it on a 57 Chevy, but kind of crossed with a Ford Anglia, though there is a little bit of red Corvette thrown in for good measure :)

I wish they still made cars with fins, perhaps I should get in touch with Volkswagon and get this made up :)

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